Securing, deploying and scaling apps with sensitive data
Join us for this ‘security’ special, graciously hosted by Infinity Works along with guests from Hashicorp.
This event is for anyone who is interested in full-stack software engineering (or on the topic at hand). We cover all aspects of designing, developing and deploying software.
It will be primarily be an in person event, with a Zoom webinar link sent out later to those who are unable to make it.
18:00 Pizza and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)
18:30 Talk 1: “Hard lessons learnt from a data breach”
Benjamin Kay – Senior Consultant (Infinity Works)
18:45 Talk 2: – “Managing cloud deployment secrets with HashiCorp Terraform and Vault”
Jared Holgate – Senior Architect (HashiCorp)
19:00 Break and drinks
19:15 Talk 3: “Scaling NHS Login”
Julian Walls – Principal Consultant (Infinity Works)
19:45 Closing remarks and mingle
20:00 Close
This is an inclusive event where we all respect and welcome one another regardless of age, ability, gender identity, sexuality, religion etc.